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Niger - Perspectives économiques en Afrique 2013

Extrait du rapport BAD et Banque Mondiale sur les perspectives économiques de l'Afrique.

Voir vers la fin les parties:

  • Gestion des ressources naturelles et environnement
  • Analyse thématique : Transformation structurelle et ressources naturelles

FMI - Too Much of a GOOD ThING? (Sept 2013)

For natural resource riches to drive growth and reduce poverty, countries must balance spending now with investing in the future.

As countries like Uganda and Mozambique develop their new discoveries, they can learn from other countries’ chal- lenges managing the volatile revenues generated from abun- dant natural resources. Policymakers can spur growth and fight poverty by ramping up investment spending as long as they are mindful of their economy’s capacity to absorb such investment. And spending carefully combined with saving part of resource windfalls can avert future drastic spending cut and instability.

RGPH 2012 : Résultats préliminaires

Les résultats préliminaires du résencement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat 2012.


Plus d'informations sur le site web de l'INS du Niger :

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